Mobile Phone and Digital Device Policy and Procedures
Northam Senior High School acknowledges and appreciates the importance of technology in the lives of young people today, and as a school we recognise that technology plays a big role in students’ learning. To ensure there is minimal disruption to student learning, mobile phones, ear phones and other digital devices must be switched off and be out of sight for all students from the time they arrive to the conclusion of the school day (“off and away all day”). All smart watches should be in ‘airplane mode’ so phone calls and messages cannot be sent or received during the school.
The terms of this policy apply to all students unless a student has been granted an exemption for the following uses of mobile phones:
Use of a mobile phone or digital device on exemption, outside of the above parameters will be considered an e-breach and will be resolved through school behaviour management processes. Continued e-breaches by students with exemptions will trigger an exemption review and possible cancellation through the Student Services Team.
If a student is seen using a mobile device after the first period siren or before the end of day siren, a staff member should encourage the student to put it away.
If the student refuses this request and is seen with it again, the staff member will request for the student to hand over their phone to be stored in Student Reception.
1. This will be logged in Compass Chronicle Confiscation – Mobile Phone or Digital Device template by the confiscating staff member and;
2. The device taken by the confiscating staff member to be stored in Student Reception.
If the student refuses a confiscation request, the staff member will log a Compass Chronicle Non-Compliance with MPDDP (Mobile Phone and Digital Device Policy) template and Student Services will follow up with the student (Appendix 6).
Repeat offenders will be required to participate in one or more Intensive Learning Area Behaviour (ILAB) Sessions to reinforce our positive behaviour values; Supportive, Safe and Respectful. (Appendix 7).
First offense:
• At the end of the school day the student will be able to collect the device from Student Reception. Compass Chronicle: Confiscation – Mobile Phone or Digital Device template completed by confiscating staff member and SMS sent to advise
Second offense:
• At the end of the school day the student will be able to collect the device from Student Reception. Compass Chronicle Confiscation – Mobile Phone or Digital Device template completed by confiscating staff member and SMS sent to advise
• Student Services will follow up from Compass Chronicle trigger with a referral for ILAB Session. ILAB Referral completed by Student Services and session scheduled.
Third offense:
• Compass Chronicle Confiscation – Mobile Phone or Digital Device template completed by confiscating staff member and SMS sent to advise Parent.
• Compass Chronicle trigger will alert Student Services to contact Parent. Discussion and planning for intervention and arrangement for end of day pick up from Front Office Reception will occur.
• Compass Chronicle trigger will also alert Student Services to complete Compass Chronicle Loss of Good Standing template.
Parents/Carers contact with students during the school day should be limited to urgent communications and filtered through the school switchboard.
Using a mobile phone to record images of students making intentional physical contact with another person, either as a photo, video or sound recording, result in this student being suspended from school under the Director General Directive of 2019. Using a mobile phone to record images of students or staff at Northam SHS will be considered a breach of this policy and resolved through school behaviour management processes.
Mobile phones and other digital devices are brought to school at the owner’s own risk. No liability will be accepted by the school in the event of loss, theft or damage of a device.