
The board of a public school works with the school community to achieve the best outcomes for students.

It plays an important role in contributing to good school governance so that school resources are used efficiently and community expectations and the school’s priorities reflect the needs of students.

A board information pack includes advice on the roles and responsibilities of a school board, membership, induction and procedures for conducting elections and meetings. An incorporated School Board must have a constitution which defines its rules and way of working. The constitution meets legislative requirements and includes advice on the roles of office bearers, meetings and proceedings, management of finances, disputes and mediation, legal responsibilities, induction and requirement to obtain insurance.

The functions of school boards are covered by legislation and include both approval and advisory roles. Some of the matters councils/boards may make decisions on include fees and charges, book lists, sponsorship and dress codes.  School Boards make these decisions with the Principal who ensures the decisions adhere to legislative and policy requirements. Principals also seek the advice of the School Board so as to understand local community views.

The School Board does not intervene in the control or management of the school. This is the role of the Principal.



The members of our School Board are:


Name Role
Travis Hooper School Board Chair
Lisa Penno Parent Member
Ebony Cleveland Parent Member
Jane Atterby Community Member
Mia Davies Community Member
Julie Williams Community Member
Kim Holten Staff Member
Tanya Baker Staff Member
Jodee Vause Principal