2023 Term 2 PBS Values
Positive Behaviour Support Program (PBS)
Purpose Statement
At Northam SHS we care about ourselves, others, our learning and our school; we create an environment where we can grow and learn; we connect our actions with outcomes which helps us make good decisions
Our Values
Students and staff selected three key values to underpin all the expected positive behaviours we expect to see within our school:
An Overview of PBS
In order to develop a positive, safe, supportive learning culture, Northam SHS is committed to implementing the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) approach to teaching expected behaviours from Year 7 to Year 12. The PBS framework enables us to improve the social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for all our students.
The goal of PBS at Northam SHS is to create and maintain a positive and safe learning environment that enhances our school culture and our community. Our approach aligns academic and behavioural systems to create an emphasis on explicitly teaching, monitoring, and acknowledging appropriate behaviour.
PBS provides teachers and students with more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. All students, teachers and staff will benefit from:
The PBS approach is comprised of evidence based behavioural interventions and practices that can be implemented by staff to effectively address and support the socially and educationally important behavioural needs of students and their families.
PBS has its conceptual foundations in:
Through the implementation of PBS, school wide systems are aligned to create an inclusive
environment where there is: