WA Student Assistance Payment

Applications opened Monday 15 April to claim the WA Student Assistance Payment, a cost-of-living payment that is available from the WA Government to help to support your family with school expenses. Please note the final day for claims is Friday 28 June 2024. See below for additional information.

The following amounts are available to all students enrolled in a WA public school, non-government school, or are registered for home schooling.
? $150 for kindergarten and primary school students
? $250 for secondary school students
Claims open Monday 15 April and close Friday 28 June, and are available through the ServiceWA app.
To claim your payment, you will need to download the ServiceWA app and set up your Digital Identity through myGovID.
You will also require the WA student number (WASN) for each student. This 8-digit-number is sometimes called a SCSA or student number and can be found on school reports including previous NAPLAN results and primary/secondary school reports as well as on your student’s SmartRider.
Additional Information:
Full instructions on how to apply using the ServiceWA app are available at ? https://www.wa.gov.au/servicewaappsupport
For more information on the Student Assistance Payment, including eligibility criteria, please visit https://education.wa.edu.au/wasap
If you would like to speak to someone about your eligibility or find out more information on how to claim, please call 1800 882 345.